Devil’s Toy Page 3
Son of a bitch.
* * *
I strode into my father’s office building two hours later, wearing an expression of pure rage. I practically had an aura surrounding me. Everyone that tried to greet me saw it. They scattered. Not even his most trusted employees were bold enough to make a move towards me. I was angry enough to say something I might regret, but I didn’t give a fuck. I was blinded by aggression and there was only one target that deserved to get the brunt of my wrath. I pushed his door open and let my emotions flood out of me in an instant.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” I slammed the door so hard that the wall shook and a picture of him with a world leader who ruled a third world country before my time hit the ground—the glass shattered.
My father didn’t react. He simply turned around in his chair, wearing a sly grin. Only then did I notice a woman between his legs, her makeup smeared and her mouth dripping saliva as she sucked the cock that made me.
“For fuck’s sake, Dad,” I shook my head and growled. “Put your fucking dick away.”
“I’m not the one who doesn’t know how to knock,” he laughed out loud, patting the girl’s face as if she were a puppy and mercifully pushed his cock into his pants. “And good morning to you too, sonny boy.”
The woman stood up on shivering legs, and it took me several moments to recognize her as my own secretary.
“Sally-Anne?” I asked incredulously, and she looked up at me, eyes wide and deeply ashamed. “This is what you called in sick for? This is why you weren’t at your desk?”
“Mr. Windsor, I’m s-s-so sorry,” she stuttered. “I didn’t… I couldn’t…”
“Save it,” I ground out, raising my palm at her. “You’re obviously fired. You can suck his dick your own time-not mine.”
“But what will I do?” She covered her mouth with shaking hands. “You can’t… Please don’t… Mr. Windsor, I…”
I ignored her, turning to my father instead. He was looking at the woman with an amused expression, saying, “You can come work for me, darling. Your boss will be more handsome, and if you suck my cock the way you just did, I can see a nice Christmas bonus in your future.”
“Asshole,” I muttered, rubbing my eyes. “Can we move on?”
“Get out,” my father threw at the woman he’d been so kind to moments ago. “Leave. Now.”
Sally-Anne scurried to get out of the room. She stopped to consider picking up the broken glass, but decided against it. Her exit was a lot gentler than my arrival.
“What do you want?” my father asked, giving me a jovial smile as he got up from his desk and walked over to the bar, pouring himself a double Scotch on the rocks. “Gin and tonic?”
“Sure,” I muttered, sitting down at his desk while he brought over the drinks.
We both downed them in one go, then exchanged long looks. Sometimes we were too similar for my own comfort.
“Why are you trying to buy the Cabot Estate?” I asked, getting right to the point. “You knew I was going to buy it, didn’t you?”
“Attempt to buy it,” he grinned. “I’ll beat any offer you can make.”
“Doesn’t seem that way.” I pulled some documents out of my briefcase, showing him the signatures on the contract that proved Cabot Estate was now my property. “See? Signed by both Marlena Hodge and me. It’s officially mine. You lose, old man.”
I watched my father’s jaw set. He was angry, I could tell, but I also didn’t give a shit. He’d gotten in my business and I wasn’t going to let him take over like he always did.
“Why the fuck are you so obsessed with the Cabots?” I asked him. “You and Hugo haven’t been friends for years. Why the sudden interest?”
“Well, my son seems to have an almost unhealthy fascination with the Cabot heiress,” he told me with raised eyebrows. “Can you blame an old man for trying to take an interest?”
“Stop it with the bullshit,” I said. “Why are you trying to get involved in my shit again?”
“Call me competitive,” he shrugged, putting his empty glass on the desk. “I like getting in your hair when I can. You get so delightfully unhinged when you think you’re being threatened.”
“I’m your son,” I reminded him. “You should be on my side.”
“I am on your side,” he laughed—it was too similar to mine. “But I can still have some fun with this, can’t I?”
“No,” I replied, stiffly, getting up from my chair. “I’m leaving now but think of this as your last warning. Stop fucking meddling in my goddamn business.”
“Warning?” he laughed out loud. “I don’t need warnings, kid. I can have anything I want. You’re the one always playing catch-up.”
“You think so?” I smirked in his face as I walked over to the door. “I’m the one who has the prize – Violet Cabot. She’ll never be yours.”
“I don’t want Violet,” he spat out at me. “You’re still so blind, Devlin. You need to open your eyes.”
“I’d rather not,” I bit out. “Your world is too ugly for me. Lies, deceit, fucking cheating left and right, be it business or a woman. You’re a disgrace to the Windsor name, Dad.”
“I gave you that name. Call me whatever you want,” he grinned darkly. “It doesn’t change the fact that I’ll get my way in the end.”
“Keep dreaming,” I told him.
“Son?” His voice still had a hint of the commanding tone that used to snap me to attention.
“Yeah, dad?” I turned over my shoulder one last time, giving my father a long, inquisitive look.
Even though he was nearing fifty, he was still handsome, a real gentleman. He was charming as hell and knew precisely how to get his way. Perhaps he would finally offer a word of apology now, the first sign of us burying the hatchet.
“Send Sally-Mae back in,” he told me with an easy grin, undoing his zipper. “She hasn’t finished breakfast yet.”
I rolled my eyes and slammed the door behind me.
Some things never fucking change.
“Sally-Mae.” I motioned to the woman who was waiting sheepishly on the other side of the door. “Go earn your Christmas bonus…”
You can be his fucking consolation prize. I got the only one that matters.
"Wake up, princess."
Her eyes opened slowly, eyelids fluttering open and closed. I was mesmerized by her thick black lashes. My fingertips ghosted over her skin, feeling the softness of her porcelain complexion.
"Master?" she whispered, and my cock jumped to attention at the sound of the name she'd used.
She was learning so fast, surprising me every day with just how eager she was to be my toy. Better watch it, Devlin, I reminded myself. Or you're going to fall head over heels. Stay in control.
"Hello, princess," I greeted her, leaning down to press a gentle kiss on her lips. "Sleep well?"
She responded to my kiss eagerly, pulling me down against her and making me laugh against her mouth.
"I have something for you," I told her. "I got you something very special. Get ready for me, Violet. Wear something pretty, we're going out."
She jumped to attention, a smile lighting up her face as she yawned and stretched. She looked like a cat. My eyes admired her form appreciatively. She was such a sexy little thing, and I couldn't get enough of her.
"Are you going to wait here?" she asked coyly, and I smirked at her.
"It's nothing I haven't seen before," I reminded her. "And after all, it's all mine now, isn't it, princess?"
"Yes," she whispered with the hint of a smile playing on her lips. I watched the blush creep over her décolletage, reveling in every moment of her embarrassment. I fucking loved it when she blushed for me. "It's all yours, Master."
"Show me what you're going to wear," I suggested. "I want to see."
She pulled out a couple of outfits and displayed them on the bed for me.
"What color do you want me to wear, Mas
ter?" she asked sweetly.
"Red. Your hair will look amazing with red."
"Okay,” She nodded and stared at her options.
Violet showed me three dresses, and I pointed to the middle one, a pretty sweetheart-neckline dress with a tighter bodice and long sleeves, and a pleated skirt.
"Wear your suede heels with it," I told her. "The tall ones."
She smiled at me and retrieved the shoes before furrowing her brows. "I'll be cold in just that..."
"Stockings," I ordered. "Black ones, with lace at the top."
I got up, walking over to her and pressing my lips to hers again. She was impossible to resist, and I relished the feeling of her pouty mouth against mine, drawing her in for a deeper kiss. She responded eagerly, her body matching mine with the need to be touched.
"Good girl," I muttered. "Meet me downstairs in fifteen minutes. A car will be waiting."
She nodded, and I left the room, so she could finish getting ready in peace. I made another quick call, then got in the driver's seat of my 2017 Cadillac CT6. Minutes later, Violet came down the stairs leading up to the Manor, grinning from ear to ear. She'd paired her pretty dress with a simple black cape. She looked good enough to eat.
She sat down in the passenger seat and smiled at me. "You're driving me yourself?"
"I thought I should," I shrugged, turning the car on. "I want it to be just the two of us tonight."
Violet fiddled with the music while I started driving. She picked some upbeat pop song and I rolled my eyes.
"What, you don't like it?" she pouted.
"You have the musical taste of a twelve-year-old," I told her.
"And you're as grumpy as a forty-year-old," she giggled.
"Watch it, young lady," I narrowed my eyes. "Otherwise your ass will be as red as that dress before the evening is over.”
She settled down, and I put my hand on her knee, parting her legs just enough to get a glimpse of her stockings and black lace panties.
“Do you like them?” She pulled the edge of her dress up until I got a better view.
"Fucking perfect," I muttered under my breath, making her blush.
She looked out the window while we drove, and soon enough, she seemed to recognize her surroundings.
"Devlin," she whispered. "Are we going where I think we're going?"
"You'll just have to wait and see," I responded, and we spent the rest of the drive in silence until I pulled up to the gates leading to the former Cabot Estate.
"Devlin," she said again. "Why are we here?"
I didn't answer until we'd arrived at the Estate, and I was parked. One of the former employees of the Estate, a butler named Henry, opened the door for Violet, and she let out a delighted shriek before hugging him tightly. It made me happy I'd kept the old staff. Violet was obviously attached to some of them.
"What does this mean?" she asked once she broke away from the hug. "Devlin, we probably shouldn't be here... The property was confiscated."
"It's been sold," I told her easily, giving the butler a curt nod. "And you're looking at the owner."
"You... you..." She was struggling for words, eyes dancing wildly between Henry and me. "You bought Cabot Estate?"
"For you," I replied simply. "Besides, I always wanted to own this place. It's going to look nice after I fix it up."
"T-Thank you," Violet stuttered, surprising me by sauntering forward and giving me a tight embrace.
"I don't deserve this," she whispered in my ear, and I held on just a little bit tighter.
"You do," I told her. "You deserve the world, princess. Come on, let's go inside."
She had another reunion with a maid in the house, and I gave them some space, examining the Estate. The cops had left the place in disarray, but I'd made sure Marlena got it cleared out. I didn't want any of Hugo's shit cluttering the space. As far as I knew, all of their things had been removed, anyway. It was a clean slate, and I couldn't wait to put my touch on the premises.
When I looked at Violet, I was surprised to find her ashen-faced and teary-eyed. The butler and maid retreated while I approached her.
"What's wrong, princess?" I tilted my head in confusion.
"It's so empty," she whispered. "Nothing's left... Not even my mother's portrait."
"I'll get it back for you," I promised her.
She shook her head, overcome by emotion.
"It's okay, Violet," I told her. "Come on. Show me your favorite places in the house."
"They're all gone," she whispered.
"Not all of them," I told her. "I heard they haven't touched the attic. All your things should still be there as you left them."
"There's nothing up there," she shook her head. "Just some old stuff..."
"Come on," I encouraged her. "Let's have a look. Maybe you'll find something to make you feel a bit better, princess."
She shrugged, and I could see how defeated she felt. It was her childhood home, but now, it was devoid of everything that made it hers.
It took some coaxing, but she finally agreed to go to the attic.
"Watch your step," I told her as we climbed the stairs, but it was too late.
She stumbled, and just before she fell, I caught her in my arms, holding onto her. Her eyes met mine, the trace of tears now gone, her bottom lip trembling.
"It's okay, princess," I told her, kissing her lips again. "It's all going to be okay."
She let out the smallest of whimpers as I helped her back to her feet.
It surprised me that I was so eager to make her feel better. It was a side of me I wasn't used to.
We got into the attic, and I thought she'd start crying again when she saw the three meager boxes of memories the cops had left behind. But she stayed strong, and while I inspected the view from the tall windows, she rummaged through the boxes.
"Anything interesting?" I asked her after a while, looking at her over my shoulder.
"These are my mother's things," she whispered. "Her books, her notebooks."
"She kept a diary?" I asked curiously. "You never mentioned that..."
"I never knew," she told me, pulling out a stack of dusty notebooks. "Look... There are so many of them."
"You can take them back to the Manor," I told her, and her eyes lit up when she looked at me.
"Thank you, Master." She looked back down at the box.
If a bunch of dusty books will make her smile, then so be it.
At the mention of my title, my cock hardened. It was enough to hear that one little word from her lips to get me fucking hard as hell. She was a walking temptation, and I was eager to respond to her siren's call.
"Mr. Windsor?" A woman’s voice echoed behind me.
I turned around, facing the maid from before. "Yes?"
"There's..." She looked nervous, glancing over my shoulder at Violet. "There's a phone call downstairs."
"A phone call?" I repeated. "Who would call here?"
"The landline, I..." she started. "It hasn't been disconnected. It's for Miss Cabot."
"A phone call for me?" Violet repeated, joining me by the stairs with a box of notebooks. "Who is it?""
"Your s-sister, Miss," the maid stuttered. "She's been calling every day, we just didn't know how to get in touch with you."
"She's on the line now?" Violet bit her juicy bottom lip, nodding without so much as glancing at me. "I'll be right down to take it."
She tried to side-step me and follow the maid downstairs, but I stopped her with a firm hand on her forearm.
"Aren't you forgetting something, princess?" I ground out.
"W-What?" Her eyes were fearful when they met mine.
"You need to ask for permission," I reminded her.
Her lips set into a line and she glared at me. There it was again, that bratty side of her that drove me fucking wild. It made me angry and hard for her at the same time. I wanted to spank the brat out of her.
"Can I go talk to my sister now?" she asked petulantly, and I took a st
ep closer, making her wince in anticipation of the slap that never came.
"Can't you ask properly, princess?" I asked her. "Or did you forget your manners at home?"
"This is my home," she said pointedly. "Not your house."
A long pause followed, and she looked away, obviously uncomfortable. I wouldn't let her, though, wrapping my fingers around her chin and forcing her to look at me.
"Since I own both of them - and you - I don't see how that's relevant," I told her. "Now ask. Fucking. Properly."
"Fine!" she bit out. "May I please go downstairs and speak to my sister on the phone, Master?"
It wasn't the right tone, and she knew it. I took my sweet time, making her wait for an answer. The whole time, our eyes were locked, and I taunted her with my gaze.
"No," I finally said. "You may not."
You’re the only Cabot that matters, and you are mine. The rest of your family will just have to get used to talking to me if they want to speak to you. Your sister can learn that today.
“Devlin…” I stared at him in disbelief. “It’s my sister. I need to talk to her…”
“Please tell Violet’s sister that she will call her back.” Devlin turned towards the maid. “We’re busy right now.”
“Y-yes sir.” The maid stammered her words out and then scurried to the phone.
I should have been angry with Devlin, but I wasn’t. I could tell what was happening. I was falling for the devil’s charm. I might as well have been damned to eternal hell even though the contract didn’t call for it. I let him use me for pleasure in front of people I had known my whole life. I gave him my innocence. I enjoyed it—I shouldn’t have, but my body had begun to cry out for his touch when it wasn’t there. I craved his dominance, that tender source of pain that could mark my flesh when I deserved it.
And I did deserve it sometimes—even I couldn’t deny that.
I tempt him with my brattiness when I know what it does to him...